Tumbarumba – Henry Angel Flat Rest Area

Tumbarumba Rodeo had always been on the bucket list, so when Betsy decided not to play ball back in Pambula, we weren’t sure if we would make it. But as they say, everything has a habit of working out okay, and so it did. Alex and Mel and the girls decided to join us for the new years day rodeo at the Tumbarumba show ground. After a luxuriously slow pack up from ‘Tom Groggin’, we set up at Henry Angel Flat rest area about 8 km out of Tumbarumba and arrived at the Rodeo just after 1 pm. Having been to one way back in Cloncurry, we had some idea of what to expect.

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The kids hanging out with Danika Boland. Put your hands together for Miss Rodeo Australia 2015!

We saw steer wrestling, bucking ponies, stallion chute out, bareback and saddle bronc riding and of course the main event, the bull ride. Unfortunately the skies opened just as the main event started, which meant we missed some of the bare back bull riding. Perhaps next year. After the heavy but short lived rain, we headed back out to the lovely Henry Angel free camp before saddling up next morning to make the short ride back to ‘Green – Acres’.

One thought on “Tumbarumba – Henry Angel Flat Rest Area

  1. The riders must convince themselves they will enjoy it beforehand, despite the outcome. What does Worksafe Insurance say? Cheers, Dad