The other side . . .

We have made it all the way to the other side of Australia!  Now I guess we are just coming home – but very slowly.  About as fast as we left home really.  It’s taken about this long (4.5 months) to really settle in to the trip.  There have been ups and downs, really good bits and stressful bits, but no parts yet that we have really hated.  All our “adventures” are being recorded in the Travel Blog section, so click on that tab if you’d like to see what we’ve been up to.  Usually it’s running about a week or two behind as it takes a while to collate and edit it all.

We are about to tackle the famous Gibb River Road (GRR) and have our fingers crossed that the car and the van hold up to 680km of corrugations. Then it will be onwards towards Darwin.

One thought on “The other side . . .

  1. Hullo from Fez. There could be errors as I am confronted with a Moroccqn keyboard layout. We leave for Marrakesh tomorrow. You will enjoy the Gibb River Road, I’m sure. Love to all, Dad