Saturday 5th April 2014:
The new car stereo (a Sony XAV 612BT) is IN! Luckily I severed my hip pocket nerve and bought a Sony to Toyota matched wiring harness, which saved me what would have been another few hours of wiring grief. As it was, there was the reversing camera (and power feed), composite RCA leads for the second and third video input, remote microphone, plus a new USB power feed to the rear view mirror in preparation for an event camera. I can also use my iPhone with a HDMI cable and USB charger to get navigation through the head unit and audio via Bluetooth. Clunky but functional. I have to ask why though, when I have a perfectly functional Tom Tom 4.3” GPS in the glove box! A bit like Hillary’s response on why he climbed Everest, “because it’s there”.
Monday 7th April 2014:
I went to Sydney yesterday with a good friend to inspect a Jayco 14.44-4 Outback van. The van looked like it had been through the wringer! The owner was a really lovely bloke, but the six month ‘Big Lap’ that this had just returned from really showed. He had it advertised for $37,900, and when I told him it was worth maybe $34k, he nearly fell over [note: this van eventually sold for $34,000 in July]. He responded with $35k, but Kris and I met with Jayco on Monday morning and put a deposit on a 2014 model 14.44-4 Outback, to be fitted with Electronic Stability Control and a few other goodies, all for $40,000, slightly better than RRP.